
Clinical and mechanistic role of HDGF in pulmonary hypertension

Everett, Allen D


We propose a new study to validate HDGF, a new circulating indicator of PAH severity and survival, in (Aim 1) multicenter PAH Cohorts of children (University of Colorado), adults (Vanderbilt) and PAHBiobank (Cincinnati Children’s), in unaffected FPAH carriers and the presence of HDGF genomic variants in IPAH (Aim 2) and define the contribution of HDGF to the phenotypic responses of pulmonary vascular cells (PAEC and PASMC) from PAH and normal donors (Aim 3) The results of this study will elucidate the in vivo clinical value of HDGF as a circulating new measure of PAH therapeutic response and survival, and in vitro, the mechanistic role of HDGF in PAH.