The INCLUDE DCC hosted an in-person, immersive course in data sciences known as the 2023 Data Science for Diverse Scholars in Down Syndrome Research (DS3) from July 24th - August 4th, 2023. Travel, lodging and per diem expenses were supported by the NIH INCLUDE Project. Twenty-four diverse trainees learned about data science approaches using the INCLUDE DCC Data Hub to enhance their DS research projects.

Participants learned the basics of how to generate, identify, and collect high-content multidimensional datasets; their management, analysis, and visualization; as well as the development of key professional skills required for the career advancement.
Priority was given to applications from underrepresented populations as defined by the NIH in NOT-OD-20-031, but all interested trainees were encouraged to apply.
Applicant Qualifications:
- Graduate Student, Postdoctoral Fellow, Undergraduate or Early Stage Investigator
- Research interest in Down syndrome and data sciences
- *Member of an underrepresented minority group.
*Not required, but will indicate application priority.
The goal of the DS3 project was to represent diversity, equity, and inclusion in science. The targeted audience for the DS3 were students from underrepresented backgrounds with opportunities to deeply engage in training in the basics of generation, identification, and collection of high content multidimensional datasets; their management, analysis, and visualization; as well as development of key professional skills required for the career advancement of diverse trainees. The DS3 team included information on how to use the INCLUDE Data Hub, INCLUDE Data Portal, TrisomExplorer, CAVATICA tools, mini-DREAMs, etc.
Interested in attending the 2024 DS3 course? Fill out this form and subscribe to our INCLUDE DCC listserv for updates.

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