Kelly, Andrea Bridget MD
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Kelly, Andrea BridgetTapia, Ignacio Esteban
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is common in children and adults with Down syndrome (DS). Because testing for OSAS can be inaccessible, expensive, and not well-tolerated, studying the impact of OSAS and its treatment upon learning, behavior, and heart disease risk is challenging. This study will explore how well the use of in-home testing for OSAS is tolerated by adolescents with DS and effective in diagnosing OSAS.
While survival in individuals with Down syndrome (DS) has improved greatly, multiple co-occurring conditions jeopardize quality of life and threaten life expectancy. Limited research examining either the natural history or the underpinnings of these comorbidities is available for informing screening practices and therapeutic interventions. This proposal will study the occurrence and emergence of multiple co-morbidities as well as ethical issues and social determinants of health affecting a diverse group of infants, youth, and young adults with DS.